
Strategies for the CBSE Students to Score Well in Mathematics at the International School in Pune

Math is a fascinating subject. All those numbers, mathematics, and computations may be extremely challenging and enjoyable to solve for pupils of all grade levels. Math is a favourite subject for many children since it is engaging and pleasurable to do. 

However, it can be difficult and daunting at times! Not only that, but some children in an international school in Pune appear to be practising how to get good grades in arithmetic! With so many formulae, strategies, and methods to get the appropriate answer, having math arranged can be difficult for certain students. 

However, it is also claimed that if adequately practised, math can improve your overall score. Here are eight ideas and tricks to remember if you want to ace your next math exam with a high mark.

Tips for Getting Good Math Grades

1. First, Clear Your Mind

“Clear your doubts first,” is one of the most important bits of advice for math students! When you become accustomed to answering a question using the incorrect way, it becomes tough to relearn the former method and learn the new one. 

And, because arithmetic requires ongoing practice, it is recommended that you resolve your doubts with your teacher, coach, or mentor straight away. This will keep your practice at the appropriate pace and spacing. 

Having your doubts clarified up front will also ensure that you never fall behind in understanding ideas and will allow you to get your hands on calculations sooner. So, remember that the secret to achieving top grades is to clear your doubts on time!

2. Separately Write Down all Formulae and Theories

Math is enjoyable because of formulae, their application, and the interaction of constants and variables. It is also believed that having the correct formula for a question makes the question easier to answer and enhances the likelihood of answering it right. 

As a result, it is critical that you thoroughly study the formulas. Not only formulae, but also their exceptions, shortcuts, tricks, and so on! You can accomplish this by creating cue cards, flashcards, charts, and other easily legible kinds of helpful information. 

If feasible, read these twice a day, or make it a practice to read your cue cards every day. If you have your formulas at your fingertips, you will undoubtedly receive some bonus points.

3. Seek Advice from Teachers and Seniors

If you believe that practising for the day and memorising all formulae will solve your “How to get good marks in math” problem, you are mistaken! To do well in arithmetic, you need some skilled teachers in the CBSE schools in Pune

You must guarantee that you receive an education from the best international school in Pune to receive appropriate assistance from knowledgeable professors. This can help you improve your concept game while also keeping your comfort level balanced. 

Furthermore, the correct tutor can help you organise your practice and give you questions to try from credible practice papers. This would get you one step closer to your goal of achieving the perfect Math score!

4. Make Good Use of Your Time

It takes a long time to study for a math exam. Because the syllabus includes topics ranging from basic to complex and complicated, which can require days and days of practice to master, time might be a limiting factor for a mathematical exam. 

This is when the advice “Use your time wisely” comes into play! Make a list of topics that require substantial practice to ensure that you invest your time wisely during math exam practice. Choose these topics first. 

Completing these would boost your confidence in brushing up on things you are already familiar with. Following these themes, practise the ones in which you are more confident and require less practice. 

This will guarantee that you time your practice properly and do not fall behind on any topics for the exam.

5. Allow Time for Syllabus Revision

The benefits of revising the syllabus are numerous. It can help you review concepts, formulas, methodologies, and much more! Having a timely revision before a test also helps to keep your stress at bay. 

It also aids in the maintenance of mental peace and tranquillity. This will come in handy around exam time. So, whatever you do, never forget to go over your syllabus before the exam. At the very least once! This could be your secret formula for getting full grades in math.

6. Carefully Read the Questions

Students in the CBSE schools in Pune may get the math question wrong because they read it improperly or become confused! This can be upsetting and discouraging for students. 

To avoid falling into this trap, read the questions attentively and, if necessary, many times! If you are baffled or confused about what you need to calculate or deduce, read it several times and figure it out before moving on to the solution. 

Students frequently misunderstand menstruation inquiries, for example. This can result in computing surface area when the question asked for figure volume. So, try to prevent losing marks because of such insignificant errors.

7. Begin with the Simpler Questions

Do not consider mastering complex questions initially. This would just demotivate you and undermine your confidence. Begin with simple inquiries. And gradually increase the difficulty level of the questions. 

This would keep you motivated, clear on the subject, and on track with your practice. If you are having trouble determining the level of difficulty of the issue, get assistance from teachers or guides. You can also use help books to discover questions categorised by complexity level.


Mathematics tests can, without a doubt, be difficult to pass. However, with enough caution and practice, you may master the game of “how to score excellent marks in board tests!

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