Why Novagems over Silvertrac Software for Mobile Patrol App?


The mobile patrol app allows security officers to check their duty schedules. The concerned authority keeps an eye on the duties of the guards. They ensure that the right guard is posted in the right spot. The app for mobile patrol allows easy access to upcoming schedules. Security officers can send leave requests on duty. During times of emergency, the feature panic button can triggered. The free mobile patrol apps come with pre-built templates to generate incident reports and maintenance activities.

About Silvertrac software

Security companies can spend less time contacting security guards for information and more time resolving immediate issues. It is made simpler with the Silvertrac Software. The user-friendly mobile patrol app from Silvertrac is made to make writing security reports as simple as possible so that the correct guard receives the right alerts on time. This mobile patrol app takes care of everything whenever the security guards click and send. The app for mobile patrol makes it simple for any security company to create customized, in-depth reports that include everything needed to meet client demands. Clients are provided with all of the information they require in a succinct summary in reports that are automatically generated and prepared for delivery.

Novagems: An alternative to Silvertrac

Just like Silvertrac, Novagems provides mobile patrol apps to security companies. Novagems is an excellent alternative to Silvertrac software. It provides growing security guard companies with numerous advantages. The software’s features cover every facet of safe and error-free security operations. Novagems makes it simple and effective for security guard businesses to manage, monitor, and expand their operations. Novagems gives you access to a plethora of features that make it possible for you to automate your operations and provide security services that meet the needs of your customers, whether you are in charge of a small patrol team or serving the security requirements of multiple clients.

 The software’s features enable optimal resource utilization and cover all aspects of error-free and uncompromising security operations. Novagems makes it simple to create guard schedules that are both efficient and attainable. The software allows for the creation of employee schedules with a focus on workforce management and employee overages. Manual tasks are reduced to a minimum and errors are eliminated with automated scheduling.

Security guards can instantly communicate with managers and supervisors to report incidents. As supporting documents, the guards can attach images, speech notes, text, and media files. Security firms can provide clients with restricted software access thanks to the client portal feature. The client can review reports and assess progress. The security guard company gains credibility and transparency as a result.

 The Novagems software offers progressive security guard companies a multitude of benefits. The features of the software cover all aspects of error-free and uncompromised security operations and allow for optimal resource utilization. In addition to being easy to tailor and use, Novagems software includes:

GPS Tracking:

With the GPS Tracking function, you can increase the effectiveness of your patrol guard services. Supervisors can follow and keep an eye on the security guard’s actions at the client location thanks to technology. The supervisors can automatically record patrol trails and analyze any missed reporting. You may use the recorded trails for post-incident investigation as well.

Geo-fencing technology for warnings about missed checkpoints

 Seeing and following the movements of the security guard

Follow the guards’ real-time whereabouts on a map..

Report Management

The report management tool helps both security supervisors and guards to decrease efforts when preparing reports, from incident reporting to daily reports of duties. Limited data entry can guarantee time savings and enable real-time reporting to interested parties.

Easy-to-use report templates for security personnel

Specialized report formats

Managing officer dispatch


With Novagems, creating efficient and practical guard schedules is simple. The program enables the creation of staff schedules with a focus on workforce management and employee overages. Automated scheduling reduces manual labor and eliminates error-prone situations. The Open Shift Board may be used by the security guards to verify and accept given shifts.

Lessen absences

Prevent employee overtime

Simple weekly and monthly calendars

Vacant shifts

Duplicate and copy the schedule

Live Incident reporting

Security personnel can communicate in real-time with managers and supervisors to report issues. The guards are able to affix text, voice notes, pictures, media files, and more as proof. Real-time reporting of the situation allows supervisors to issue directions.

Live commentary

Rapid responses

Assistance with the panic button for managing lone workers

Tours with NFC & QR Code Checkpoints

Job duty warnings

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Client Portal

The functionality enables security firms to provide clients can see reports and the status. This increases the security guard company’s openness and dependability.

Obtaining reports

The ability to see incident reports and actions done

Security guard firms may find straightforward and resource-efficient solutions from Novagems, a confirmed Silvertrac substitute. The software’s automation capability increases productivity and makes it simple to handle several clients.

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