How Infographic Book Covers Affect Book Sales

The idea that cover design doesn’t matter is one of the biggest myths that some people in the publishing industry still hold. To put it another way, a great book can survive despite having a hideous cover. But a book’s marketing efforts will heavily rely on its cover if there isn’t much word of mouth or a frenzied publicity tour. 

We could talk about how a great cover conveys professionalism and is crucial for building the author’s brand all day long. However, let’s get to the point: Do professional infographic book covers increase a book’s sales sufficiently to make it worth the price? However, before we dive into it, let’s understand what an infographic is. 

What is an infographic? 

An infographic, also known as an information graphic, represents data presented clearly and entertainingly. Interactive infographics ought to be simple to use as well. Infographics make complicated information more understandable to the general public by simplifying it. They work well for all kinds of businesses and even for books.

What elements must your infographic include to maximize sales? 

  1. Descriptive Headings and Titles 

Infographics condense lengthy or complex data by presenting it in an aesthetically appealing format. By using a descriptive title and subheads, you can help readers understand what they’re looking at right away. Doing this will attract and retain more readers, increasing sales.

  1. Colors that Are Bold and Thematically Appropriate 

Pick a strong color scheme that supports the message you want to convey. Infographics should evoke a certain emotion in addition to conveying information. Avoid dampening the mood with somber colors, for example, if your infographic is more lighthearted than serious. You will be more likely to attract customers when properly conveying your message with colors. 

  1. Attractive Graphics 

Infographics need to be engaging and eye-catching in addition to being interesting and educational. After all, a digital audience has various options for finding information pertinent to their interests, so you are vying for their attention. Make yours the clear winner to increase your sales.

How do book covers in infographics impact sales? 

  1. Attract Readers’ Focus 

It takes longer to ensure that a potential customer is engaged with the product when we look at statistics for how many people interact with social media posts and product lists on websites like Amazon and other retailers. Even today, many authors fail to acknowledge that their books are a product. You must consider it objectively and acknowledge that your prized collection of pages is good to be sold in an already incredibly crowded and fiercely competitive market. Your illustrated book cover design must capture the reader’s interest to persuade them to purchase it, increasing your sales. 

  1. Resonate with the Reader 

Many people believe that the infographic book cover design must resonate with them in some way before they decide to buy a book. It doesn’t matter if the reader has a personal connection or likes how the artwork looks. 

Your book cover must, in some way, catch the reader’s attention because that connection will affect whether or not they decide to purchase the book. The use of infographics is a fantastic way to do so. They will be more likely to buy the book if they identify with it, increasing sales. 

  1. Explain the genre and subject matter. 

Finding images that fit your novel’s genre or subject matter can be difficult, which is one problem you might run into when using free-to-use (or creative commons) images. 

Do your homework and look at the covers of books that fall into your particular genre when you’re thinking about infographic book covers. Look at the most popular book cover design and consider its advantages and disadvantages. By doing this, you can create an infographic book covers design that resonates with the readers encouraging them to buy it. 

When creating infographics, keep the following in mind:

Be Simple.

 Condensing a lot of data and creating a visual interpretation is the goal. The layout should make it simple and unconfusing for the viewer to browse the information. Less is more. Less can be more. Limit the use of color and give the eye “breathing room.” The design won’t become overly busy if it stays within a color palette of three to four. 

Don’t overdo it on the graphics. It’s tempting to create every possible chart and graph, but you’re better off keeping it simple. A picture is worth a hundred words, and an infographic can be a quick way for your audience to understand your message. Just remember to keep your presentation simple and easy to read.

Be inclusive.

 Using a universal design is crucial so everyone can access information. Many people will understand an infographic if it uses recognizable icons and images. It is safe to assume that more than just tech-savvy internet users recognize most icons. By conveying information clearly and understandably, infographics can develop their language. 

Include people of different genders and races, ages, locations, and interests. This will help make your infographic more diverse, increasing the chances that people will read and share it with their networks.

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Be unique. 

Each infographic design should be unique. The design should be distinctive and catch viewers’ attention through the creative use of color, proportion, fonts, images, and text. Maintain a visual style consistent with the organization’s brand and the subject matter. 

The best infographics will show the data in a new light and make it more interesting to the reader. Don’t just copy what someone else did – change it up and make your infographic!


Infographics are effective because that is how our brains function. Visuals grab our attention and make it simpler for us to remember information. The influence infographics have on us extends to the products we purchase and the websites we visit, which is advantageous for brands. 

Your Infographic book cover should look professional, especially for self-published authors. Potential readers may pick up your book off the shelf or pass it right by, depending on its cover. So make sure you make your infographic perfect with the best book cover designers to increase your sales.

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