From Cancer to Survivor: Things Only Those Who Have Been There Know
The term cancer survivor describes both those who have been cured of cancer and those who are still living with cancer. There is no one-size-fits-all definition of what it means to be a cancer survivor. Each individual’s experience is unique. But there are some commonalities that many survivors share. These are some of the things that only someone who has survived cancer can share with you:
1. The appetite you once had has diminished
It will result in waste of food and guilt over purchasing food that ultimately ends up as waste. The taste of food is no longer the same.
2. Cancer is not the cause of death for everyone
The possibility of becoming a survivor is genuine. On the other hand, it will likely kill you. Your main concern should be not letting it happen.
3. Your true friends become evident to you
It is common for people who have not spoken to you for many years to play the “concerned friend” card. Prepare yourself for the attention and fake sympathy that will follow. With your scars and bald head, you can expect to receive looks of pity when you step out in public. Please make sure you keep genuine people close to you: they will remain a part of your life for a long time.
4. When it comes to cancer, it does not matter if you were completely healthy before being diagnosed
It does not matter what your age is. Whether you are a smoker, consume alcohol, or drink your coffee with artificial sweeteners is irrelevant. It does not matter if you exercise daily or do anything harmful to your health. Diagnosis is possible at any time for anyone.
5. Nobody understands your body better than you do
Months pass without you understanding why your cough is not going away or why you feel a little more tired than usual. All of your symptoms can easily be brushed off as harmless and can be treated with over-the-counter medications.
Three different doctors will provide a bronchitis diagnosis. The fourth observes something more significant. A CT scan and an X-ray will come too late after the disease has wrapped itself around your wrist with its long, slender fingers.
6. The side effects are devastating
Most of us have heard something about chemotherapy from time to time and have probably read some information in books. However, none of this can prepare you for the actual process. There is no preparation for the hours spent while poison drips from an IV. It is killing you as well as keeping you alive at the same time. There will, however, be times when you feel so helpless and ill that you cannot help but weep. You will become unable to eat and experience a metallic taste in your mouth. Put up a fight despite the pain. Eventually, things will improve with the help of the Adelaide cancer center.
Cancer is a disease that takes so much from a person. It is not only a person’s physical pain and suffering but also mental and emotional anguish. A cancer diagnosis can change a person’s entire outlook on life. But, as difficult as it may be, there is still hope. There are treatments, and there is support from the Adelaide cancer center.